Executive Head of Department
Prof. Dr. Jon Albers

Phone: +49 234 32-28528
Professor for Classical Archaeology with a main focus on Settlements and Landscapes in the ancient mediterranean Region

Picture Jon Albers
Deputy Head of Department
Prof. Dr. Constance von Rüden

Phone: +49 234 32-23893
Professor for Pre- and Early History with a main Focus on mediterrean Prehistory and Theory

Picture Constance von Rüden
Staff Members
Dr. Soi Agelidis

Phone: +49 234 32-29902
Academic Senior Counselor and Custodian of the Ruhr-University´s Antique Art Collection

Picture Soi Agelidis
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Ebel-Zepezauer

Phone: +49 234 32-22545
Professor for Proto- and Prehistory

Picture Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Ebel-Zepezauer
Staff Members
Staff Members
Marc Klauß M.A.

Scientific Assistant for Prof. Dr. Jon Albers and IT-Support

Picture Marc Klauß M.A.
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Anna-Lisa Schneider

1.4.1 (4. Etage)
Phone: +49 234 32-19073
Scientific Assistant for Prof. Dr. Jon Albers

Picture Anna-Lisa Schneider
Staff Members
Staff Members
Staff Members
Student staff
Student staff
Student staff
Prof. Dr. Michael Baales

LWL Außenstelle Olpe, In der Wüste 4, 57462 Olpe

Picture Michael Baales
Student staff
Dr. Kristina Anna Franke

Phone: +49 234 32-27684
Research Assistant in the SPP-Project SPP 2176: The Iranian Highlands: Resilience and Integration of Premodern Societies

Picture Kristina Anna Franke
Student staff
Student staff
Clarissa Haubenthal M.A.

430 (4. Etage)
Phone: +49 234 32-19073
Research Assistant in the Project Der Ostahfen von Selinunt

Picture Clarissa Haubenthal M.A.
Student staff
Dr. Johannes Jungfleisch

Phone: +49 234 32-29294
Research Assistant in ReForm Project

Picture Johannes Jungfleisch
Student staff
Student staff
Milena Müller-Kissing M.A.

Research Assistant in the ReForm-Project

Picture Milena Müller-Kissing M.A.
Student staff
Laura Nazim M.A.

Lecturer fpr Classical Archaeology

Picture Laura Nazim M.A.
Student staff
Dr. Maxi Platz

Lecturer with a focus on high and late middle ages

Picture Maxi Platz
Student staff
Prof. Dr. Michael Prange

Herner Str. 45, 44787 Bochum
Professor of Applied Materials Science, TFH Georg Agricola

Picture Michael Prange
Student staff
Student staff
Dr. Sielhorst Barbara

428 (4. Etage)
Supervisor of the Project Von der Handzeichnung zum Model: Der Palatin in Rom als Fallbeispiel zur Wissenserzeugung in der Archäologie (DFG-Projekt Nummer 52 44 36 11)l

Picture Sielhorst Barbara
Student staff
Dominik Zilg M.A.

Phone: +49 234 32-17775
Scientific Assistant for Prof. Dr. Constance von Rüden

Picture Dominik Zilg M.A.
Student and Research Assistants
Mariya Auseikava

Scientific Assistant of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Vilma Ruppiené

Picture Mariya Auseikava
Student and Research Assistants
Damaris Axmann

112 (Aufsicht der Bibliothek im Erdgeschoss)
Phone: +49 234 32-29892
Student Assistant in the Library

Picture Damaris Axmann
Student and Research Assistants
Stella Becker

1.4.1 (4. OG)
Phone: +49 234 32-29892
Student Assistant of Jon Albers

Picture Stella Becker
Student and Research Assistants
Paula Boniakowsky

112 (Aufsicht der Bibliothek im Erdgeschoss)
Phone: +49 234 32-29892
Student Assistant in the Library

Picture Paula Boniakowsky
Student and Research Assistants
Johanna Brenneke

1.4.1 (4. OG)
Student Assistant of Jon Albers

Picture Johanna Brenneke
Student and Research Assistants
Angelina Daxenberger

1.4.1 (4. OG)
Phone: +49 234 32-19073
Scientific Assistant for Prof. Dr. Jon Albers

Picture Angelina Daxenberger
Student and Research Assistants
Claire Dohmen

Universitätsstraße 150 - Forumsplatz
Phone: +49 234 32-26782
Scientific Assistant in the Inden-Pier Project

Picture Claire Dohmen
Student and Research Assistants
Maike Dollendorf

112 (Aufsicht der Bibliothek im Erdgeschoss)
Phone: +49 234 32-29892
Student Assistant in the Library

Picture Maike Dollendorf
Student and Research Assistants
Lilly Eckhoff

0.3.7 am Institut oder Universitätsstraße 150 - Forumsplatz an der Aufsicht der KUSA
Phone: +49 234 32-19232
Scientific Assistant for Dr. Anna Bertelli

Picture Lilly Eckhoff
Student and Research Assistants
Katharina Fröhlich

Scientific Assistant in the Inden-Pier Project

Picture Katharina Fröhlich
Student and Research Assistants
Meike Grüter

Scientific Assistant

Picture Meike Grüter
Student and Research Assistants
Marco Harig

Scientific Assistant in the Library

Picture Marco Harig
Student and Research Assistants
Julia Kaptur

Scientific Assistant for Prof. Dr. Thomas Stöllner

Picture Julia Kaptur
Student and Research Assistants
Alexander Klein

Student Assistant for Prof. Dr. Constance von Rüden

Picture Alexander Klein
Student and Research Assistants
Pascal Mießner

Universitätsstraße 150 - Forumsplatz
Phone: +49 234 32-26782
Student Assistant in the Kunstsammlungen Antike

Picture Pascal Mießner
Student and Research Assistants
Emma Neubert

112 (Aufsicht der Bibliothek im Erdgeschoss)
Phone: +49 234 32-29892
Student Assistant in the Library

Picture Emma Neubert
Student and Research Assistants
Leonie Nolte

1.4.1 (4. Etage)
Phone: +4917697720600
Research assistant to Prof. Dr. Jon Albers and support in the IT area Research assistant to Junior Prof. Dr. Vilma Ruppienė and support with archaeometric methods

Picture Leonie Nolte
Student and Research Assistants
Sophie Peintinger

1.4.1 (4. OG)
Phone: +49 234 32-19073
Scientific Assistant for Prof. Dr. Jon Albers

Picture Sophie Peintinger
Student and Research Assistants
Lena Schmitz-Linneweber

Universitätsstraße 150 - Forumsplatz
Phone: +49 234 32-26782
Student Assistant in the Kunstsammlungen Antike

Picture Lena Schmitz-Linneweber
Student and Research Assistants
Lena Schnieders

Scientific Assistant of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Vilma Ruppiené

Picture Lena Schnieders
Student and Research Assistants
Evangelos Safralis

Universitätsstraße 150 - Forumsplatz
Phone: +49 234 32-26782
Student Assistant in the Kunstsammlungen Antike

Picture Evangelos Safralis
Student and Research Assistants
Victoria Scharlau

Scientific Assistant of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Vilma Ruppiené

Picture Victoria Scharlau
Student and Research Assistants
Goitom Tekle

Scientific Assistant for Prof. Dr. Constance von Rüden

Picture Goitom Tekle
Student and Research Assistants
Stefan Walter

112 (Aufsicht der Bibliothek im Erdgeschoss)/Universitätsstraße 150 - Forumsplatz
Phone: +49 234 32-29892/26782
Scientific Assistant in the Library and Kunstsammlungen Antike

Picture Stefan Walter
Student and Research Assistants
Anja Wolf

Scientific Assistant in the Project Von der Handzeichnung zum Modell

Picture Anja Wolf
Student and Research Assistants
Laith Yakbeh

Scientific Assistant and tutor of archaeometry

Picture Laith Yakbeh
Student and Research Assistants
Hannah Zietsch

Scientific Assistant and tutor in experimental archaeology

Picture Hannah Zietsch